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The Judge in Apple v. Motorola Says the Patent System Is Broken

Which, of course. But this time it's coming from one of the most influential judges in the country, so it's worth taking note. Aside from the usual patent troll complaints, Judge Posner singles out an understaffed patent office (currently on a three-year backlog) and the difficulty of searching patent records. This won't fix anything, but it's a step towards the kind of reform techies have been pushing for years.

Bitcoin is Down to 15,000 Users

That's down from 60,000 in September — and if you're running a web service (or a currency!), you usually expect the numbers to go the other way. If we had to guess, we'd chalk it up to the wild swings in value, the high profile security breaches, and the nagging feeling that everything could evaporate at any time. It was fun to write about while it lasted.

Musings on Anonymous Web Culture

Triple Canopy's June issue comes with an achingly serious appraisal of 4chan, Slashdot and the stranger corners of the anonymous web — a scene that's increasingly crowded out by social media. It's long, thoughtful, and (most importantly) quotes both a 19th century German sociologist and a Geekosystem commenter named "gofuckyourself." So, you know, diversity of sources.