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Women Are Sharing The Exact Moment Their Partner Did Something That Made Them Realize, “Oh, THIS Is Why Your Last Relationship Ended"

"He kept mentioning his ex-girlfriend whenever food came up but never went much into detail. I finally found out that their relationship ended when he made an elaborate dish for her without checking if she was free. And when upon texting her and telling (TELLING, not asking) her to come over and learning that she wasn’t available that evening, HE BURNT DOWN HIS HOUSE."

This Man Told His Girlfriend He Doesn't Want To Take Her To Nice Restaurants Because She "Eats Like A Kid" — Now She's Upset, And He Wants To Know If He's In The Wrong

"To me, it's kind of embarrassing to go to a restaurant where there is a dress code and for her to order chicken tenders and fries. It especially bothers me that since I typically pay, I end up paying 15 bucks for chicken tenders that I could get from the freezer section at Walmart for five bucks."

16 Women Who Were Totally Fed Up With Their Man-Baby Partners, And Had An Epiphany: "I Need Out Of This Relationship"

"I spent 15 years supporting him, his career, his kids from a previous relationship (all while running the house). There was no appreciation for any of it, and I started crumbling under the pressure. I needed to take time for myself, and started going to yoga and dinner with friends. Apparently, I was being selfish and unsupportive of him. I realized he didn't care about me as a person — only what I did for him."

21 Screenshots Of Entitled Tourists That Scream "I Deserve Special Treatment," "Rules Don't Apply To Me," Or "This Isn't How It Is Where I'm From"

"I was sitting with my husband at a cafe yesterday and here comes a young couple with their dog. I had lost count of how many people I had seen with their dogs not just that day but the previous days of my vacation too. So I decided to speak out about it because it was bothering many people were inconsiderate of others. I called out this couple...[they] ignored me...I called the manager."