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Winter Olympian Or Mugshot?

Sochi's Olympian photos look like they were taken just after the athlete woke up in a fluorescent lighted hallway by a secretary with a 2.5 megapixel point and shoot. See if you can identify which photos are of Sochi Olympians and which are mugshots of actual criminals.

Heckler Ruins Terence Mann's Field Of Dreams Speech

Field of Dreams is one of my favorite movies. I’ve been to the field in Dyersville, Iowa. I’ve observed the bitter signs encouraging you to buy from one gift shop over the other, since the field (at one point in time) stretched over two different pieces of property. My end of college mix CD had the James Earl Jones speech on it. I’ve performed the speech with a live band backing me in New York City. But as the saying goes, “insert footage of yourself mocking the things you love.” So I did it. People will come Ray.