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Poor People Who “Married For Money” And Rich People Who “Married For Love” Are Sharing What It’s Really Like, and Wow

"I married for love — my husband came from a poor family and didn’t have a high-paying job. After we got married, I realized he had hid a lot of debt from me: credit card, student loans, and the wedding, which I was told was taken care of. We’ve been married for eight years, and I have been the breadwinner and sole provider for at least half the marriage. I do find myself wishing I married for money, out of pure exhaustion."

29 Things About Being Lower Class That "Rich People" Learned After Marrying Someone Significantly Poorer Than Them

"I was surprised that food was a privilege or luxury — not a given. My parents are fairly well-off, and I grew up in a house with an always-stocked pantry and refrigerator. If I was hungry, I ate without question. My wife grew up in relative poverty. If she was hungry, there was a strong likelihood there was no food in the house, and she would stay hungry."

15 Celebs You Probably Didn’t Realize Are Afro Latine

While promoting her movie Bolden back in 2019, Yaya DaCosta told theGrio how important it is that mainstream media is finally recognizing the fact that Black Latine people exist. "It’s nice that people are actually realizing what Latin America actually looks like and that there’s diversity," she said. "That yes, we speak Portuguese and Spanish… It’s nice that there is more inclusion, but it’s just the beginning."