A Picture Of An Elderly Man Eating Alone With A Photo Of His Late Wife Has Gone Viral

The pair were reportedly married for 55 years.

A man was recently spotted eating alone at an In-N-Out Burger restaurant in Fremont, California, with a picture of his wife alongside him.

Twitter user Madina Bashizadah uploaded the image last Wednesday.

Bashizadah told the Huffington Post: "The older gentleman was sitting down enjoying his meal and I noticed that he had a photo with him.

"Automatically, I assumed she wasn't here with us and I started tearing up because it was such a beautiful moment but heartbreaking at the same time."

Bashizadah said other diners kept approaching the man and asking him about the picture.

His wife apparently passed away five years ago. They met when they were 17 but were separated by the Second World War.

"He had searched for her for 10 years and one day as he was telling his barber the story, the barber calls his daughter in and it ends up being her," Bashizadah revealed. "They were married instantly and it lasted for 55 years until she passed."

She said the man now takes the picture of his wife everywhere he goes.

Bashizadah has told BuzzFeed News she believes the elderly diner is a regular at the Fremont restaurant.

She said she never expected her tweet to go viral, but added: "It's amazing how love can touch so many people!"

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