Gamer Trolls Continue Their War On A Reasonable Woman

Creeps force removal of video about sexism in gaming.

Anita Sarkeesian, the blogger who makes the smart and frighteningly comprehensive Feminist Frequency web series, today posted a new video in her series about regressive tropes in gaming. It was up for an hour before she noticed something was wrong.

Looks like my harassers abused YouTube's flag function to get my new Tropes vs Women video removed. Not the first time it's happened.

Feminist Frequency


Looks like my harassers abused YouTube's flag function to get my new Tropes vs Women video removed. Not the first time it's happened.

At the Game Developer's Conference in March, Sarkeesian discussed the sustained campaign of harassment and intimidation she has faced from internet trolls, who have threatened her safety. Fortunately, so far they just seem to be a bunch of sad creeps.

A typical response, from The Escapist forums:

Google has not responded to BuzzFeed's requests for comment regarding the flagging and removal.

Here's part one of "Tropes Versus Women in Gaming."

View this video on YouTube

Update: The video is back up on YouTube, for the time being.

View this video on YouTube

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