12 Reasons Gamers Make The Best Parents

These moms and dads prove that gaming can be an advanced parenting tool.

1. The dad who woke his kid up, adorably, Doom-style.

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2. The dad who built his son a barn-side gaming rig.

3. This mom who showed her kids how it's done.

4. The dad who hacked Donkey Kong so his daughter could play as a female character.

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5. The parents who rented out an entire movie theater so their son could have a legendary gaming birthday.

6. The Chinese father who hired in-game hitmen to help his son beat his World of Warcraft addiction through pure frustration.

7. The parents who did this.

8. The game-developer dad who built his daughter an entire game for her birthday present.

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You can buy it on the app store!

9. The mom who baked this unreal cake.

10. The divorced dad who bought his daughter two Wii U's, so she could game at his house and at her mother's.

11. The mom who sewed this incredible costume.

12. The dad who found a creative way to get his daughter to do her chores.

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