The Argentinian President's Twitter Feed Seems Like A Joke But It's Not

Argentine President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner has been in the eye of the storm over the mysterious death of prosecutor Alberto Nisman. And then there's her Twitter feed.

1. On Wednesday, Argentinian President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner pissed off a lot of people by tweeting a racist comment about Chinese accents.

Más de 1.000 asistentes al evento… ¿Serán todos de “La Cámpola” y vinieron sólo por el aloz y el petlóleo? …

Over 1,000 people at the event... Are all of them from "La Cámpola" [an Argentine pro-government organization] and they only came here for the rice and oil?

Rice and oil were spelled in a way to poke fun at the Chinese accent.

2. She tried to pass it off as humor.

Sorry. ¿Sabes qué? Es que es tanto el exceso del ridículo y el absurdo, que sólo se digiere con humor. Sino son muy, pero muy tóxicos.

Sorry, you know what? All the excess of absurdity and ridiculousness can only be digested through humor. If not, this excess can be really, really toxic.

3. This isn't the first time Kirchner's Twitter has caused waves. Remember that time she broke her ankle and appeared in public in a wheelchair, but told everyone on Twitter she was able to walk?

Y sabés qué? A todas las reuniones fui caminando. Eso sí, con la bota puesta.

And, you know what? I walked to all the meetings. Of course, with my boot on.

Shake it!

4. Or the time Kirchner tweeted a picture of herself next to a girl who didn't seem to be too happy about it.

Cuando llegué, con la calidez de siempre, me recibe una nena hermosa con tapadito rojo...

When I showed up, with my usual kindness, I am welcomed by a beautiful kid wearing a red coat...

5. She also likes to use Twitter to hand out advice to journalists. Kirchner, also known as CFK, doesn't care if you're a guy or a girl.

Por favor abstenerse de titular: “Catarata de tweets de CFK”. Más creatividad muchachos que empezó el 2015…Perdón y “muchachas”, también.

Please, don't write headlines like 'A waterfall of CFK tweets'. Guys, please more creativity...sorry, not only guys, but also girls, as well.

6. She even tries to use Twitter to help journalists when she feels they haven't communicated ~exactly~ what she wanted.

... por las dudas que no los hayas leído en algunos diarios o visto en algunos noticieros…

... just in case you haven't read this in some newspaper or seen in a newscast...

7. She's very diplomatic.

Ataque especulativo sobre la moneda amplificado hasta el ridículo por los buitres locales. En especial por su radio preferida:“Radio Buitre”

A speculative attack about our currency is being amplified to the maximum by our local hedges. Especially by their favorite radio station: "Hedge Radio"

8. She expresses her opinions with, um, diplomacy and grace.

Tampoco yo, con fotomontaje yihadista que causaría gracia si lo que está pasando en medio-oriente no fuera una verdadera tragedia.

I wouldn't be funny – even with a jidahist photomontage – if the Middle East weren't a real tragedy.

9. She also reminds everyone that she is doing her job and it's not all a miracle.

Todo esto no es milagro ni suerte, tampoco viento de cola. Es voluntad política, decisión de gobierno y política de Estado.

All this is not a miracle and it's not good luck, we also didn't get it by chance. This is political will, a government's decision and state policy.

10. In case you were wondering, she proves to be an expert economist, although it takes her more than one tweet to explain it.

Acá te mando distintos cuadros de análisis del tema donde se demuestra que los rendimientos de los plazos fijos –minoristas y mayoristas-

Here I am sending you different analysis about the issue where we can prove that the checking account earnings – retail and wholesale –

11. She gives you ALL the information you need.

Leíste bien, no? No solamente no existe ningún tipo de restricción para el pago de pasajes y paquetes turísticos con divisas…

You read it properly, didn't you? There is no restriction to the payment of tickets and touristic tours with currencies...

12. She keeps you updated with what her doctor is telling her.

Anoche me tomaron una placa y el traumatólogo me autorizó a viajar. Soy muy obediente… con los médicos.

Last night I was X-rayed and the traumatologist allowed me to travel. I am an obedient person... at least with the doctors.

13. And she comments on her agenda like it's no big deal.

Bueno, me tengo que ir a Roma para el almuerzo con @Pontifex_es

OK, I gotta go to Rome to have lunch with @Pontifex_es

14. Her timeline is filled with motivational phrases.

Un poco de orgullo y mucho de dignidad no vienen nada mal.

We could use a little bit of pride and dignity.

¿Saben qué? Como decía tanguito: “pero el amor es más fuerte”.

You know what? Like Tanguito (an Argentine rock composer and singer) used to say, 'love is stronger'.

15. From time to time she'll throw out hard data that really makes you think.

Y mejor no sigo. Es que la tierra es redonda, y en Argentina más redonda todavía.

I'd better stop. I know the Earth is round, and in Argentina it's even rounder.

16. She keeps her followers entertained with riddles.

Si tiene cuatro patas, mueve la cola y dice ¡guau!... ¿Qué te parece que es?

If it has four legs, shakes its tail and says "Woof!"... what do you think it is?

17. Last year she shared her story of how she managed to quit smoking.

I lit off the last cigarette, after smoking one after one that day once an hour. Nobody believed that I actually could last a month without smoking. Sometimes, it was above all things during political meetings. On Dec. 31, 1988, at midnight, holding a glass of cider in my hand... Well, I wasn't so terrible after all (I couldn't stand the smell of these cigarettes), I would smoke two packages in a row... It struck me because it's similar to my story of a converted smoker. He would smoke three daily packages of Parisiennes a day.

18. Her mini-chronicles include pop culture.

... reclamando a la Argentina. Qué son? Películas de James Bond o Woody Allen? No. Más simple y mucho menos creativo.

... claiming Argentina. What are they? James Bond or Woody Allen movies? No. Much simpler and less creative.

19. She loves Game of Thrones and even has a favorite character.

Game of Thrones. ¿Mi personaje favorito?: la Madre de Dragones. Seguro se queda con Robb Stark ¿o con Jon Snow?.

Game of Thrones. My favorite character? The mother of the dragons. I am sure she will choose Robb Stark, or Jon Snow?

20. Her relationship with the late Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez was pure love <3

El comandante Chávez, el compañero y amigo, ha entrado definitivamente en la historia. Hombres como Chávez no mueren, se siembran.

Commander Chávez, companion and friend, has became part of history now. Men like Chávez don't die, they are cultivated land.

21. She is also a dog lover. Here she is in a photo next to Evita and her dog.

La última de éste año. Vi en la red una foto hermosísima de Evita con una mascota q parece la mamá o abuela de Lolita

Last picture of the year. I saw online a beautiful photo of Evita with a pet that looked like Lolita's mom or grandmother.

22. She even comments on what other leaders do with their dogs.

No claro… Obama le abrió su propia página de facebook a su perro Bo, que es precioso (me refiero a Bo)…

No, of course... Obama opened his own Facebook account for his dog Bo, who is gorgeous (I'm talking about Bo)...

23. She really, really seems to like Bo.

Tiene 5000 seguidores. El perrito pone fotos viajando en auto con la frase “yo viajo adentro”. No me creés? Mirá.

He has 5,000 followers. The dog chooses pictures of when they are traveling in a car with a phrase "I travel inside". You don't believe me? Look at it.

Happy birthday, Bo :)

Y si no te alcanza miralo en el parque, en pleno salón oval o el face de Casa Blanca festejando su cumpleaños.

And if it's not enough to look at him in the park, in the middle of the oval hall or in the Facebook of the White House, he's celebrating his birthday.

24. This is Simon, her dog.

Hacía tiempo que quería mostrarles como estaba Simón de grande. Esta foto es en El Calafate...

I have been wanting to show you how Simón looks like as a grown-up now. This photo was taken in Calafate.

"This is the dog that Hugo Chávez promised to give me as a gift. It's Venezuela's national dog," she said when the dog was introduced in a video when she came back from brain surgery.

The Venezuelan government gifted him to her while she was recovering from surgery.

25. She loves him so much that this photo is her background.

It's never boring on Kirchner's Twitter feed.

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