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The Best TV Dramas of All Time

Living in TV’s golden age is simultaneously exciting and stressful, thanks to the sheer amount of quality shows available for audiences to consume. So how exactly does someone figure out what they should watch? That’s where Complex comes in. Here are the best TV dramas of all time. Get these on your watch list.

The Worst Movies That Won Oscars

A lot of movies have won Oscars throughout the history of the Academy Awards, but just because a movie takes home a golden statue, doesn’t mean that it’s good. The Academy is very into a certain type of movie, so even some mediocre films have won an Oscar or two. These are the worst movies to win Oscars.

The Scariest TV Shows Of All Time

TV shows can provide a different kind of narrative for directors of horror to play with than movies. With more time to set up storylines and for characters to develop, TV shows tend to have bigger payoffs and screw with an audience’s head more than movies do. This is a look at some of the scariest TV shows of all time.