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"I've Been Married For Over 34 Years, And My Husband Still Doesn't Know How To Give Me An Orgasm": People Are Sharing The Aspects Of Marriage They Wish They'd Prepared For Before Tying The Knot, And It's Eye-Opening

"I would have liked to have known more about sex, specifically orgasms. I've been married for over 34 years, and my husband still doesn't know how to give me an orgasm, and I don't know how to educate him. Sex has been very disappointing."

70 People Revealed What They Do For A Living And How Much It Pays, And I Wish You'd See This Kind Of Pay Transparency On LinkedIn

"I work in the film industry as an actress and stunt woman. I make anywhere from $25,000-$100,000/year. It changes each year due to the amount of work I book. I always have to be available in case a job comes. I almost missed out on a series regular role because I wasn’t available for one day...which was my wedding day."