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A Is For Ackbar

Emma and Brandon Peat created this awesome Star Wars themed alphabet when they discovered they were expecting their first child. Now that little Tycho is here, you can donate to his college fund and you'll get your very own printed version of the book for free.

Paranormal Dogtivity

When ghostly activity started happening in their brand new house, they set up a hidden camera to catch any poltergeists. Long story short, they needed new pillow cases. People still have water beds? [ Reddit ]

The Reverse Job Application

Andrew Horner was having a hard time getting a job via the traditional methods so he flipped the process all upside down and stuff and came up with this. I wonder if it worked? That was rhetorical, I really don't care. [ Reddit ]

80s Inspired Stop Motion

Sam Forson, who clearly has too much time on his hands, made this pretty awesome stop motion video that uses a whole lot of post-it notes to make feel all nostalgic about the 80s. Plus he solves a Rubik's cube! Who can do that? Seriously, I've never met anyone who has. (Via TurtleFeed.)

Homeless Man's Muppet Lip Dub

This is a pretty awesome performance of Queen and David Bowie’s 'Under Pressure' with two Kermit puppets. You should donate to your local homeless shelter if you liked this. [Note: anyone know where I can get a cool Kermit puppet like that, preferably in the UK?][The Daily What ]