8-Year-Old Girl Handcuffed And Jailed For Throwing A Tantrum

Police officers were called to Jmyha Rickan's school and then detained her for over two hours, all because of a temper tantrum.

Police officers arrived at Jmyha's school and allegedly cuffed her and put her into the back of a squad car.

Her school called the police after Jmyha was determined to be too much for school officials to handle.

Jmyha's guardian, Nehemiah Keeton, told KMOV-TV that she had welts on her wrists from where she was cuffed. She was also cuffed at the feet.

The school refused to comment on the story, but according to Jmyha's guardian, her temper tantrum consisted of Jmyha asking to use the restroom too many times.

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