Santorum: "Yes We Can"

(Abolish the 9th Circuit.)

NORTHFIELD, New Hampshire -- Rick Santorum addressed more than a hundred people at a town hall meeting here today, and he joined Newt Gingrich's call for abolishing the liberal West Coast 9th Circuit Court of appeals:

They said this about Newt, they said it about me that I want to abolish the 9th circuit. Can the Congress abolish the 9th circuit? What the congress creates, it can uncreate. So, yes we can. Now there's a question of whether we abolish the circuit, what do we do with all these judges. i want to be respectful of the constitution bc there is a provision that judges are appointed for life. maybe we can create a court taht puts them in guam or something like that for their life appointments, then appoint a whole bunch of new judges to a different circuit.

We thought he was riffing on President Obama's signature line, but the crowd didn't seem to pick up the allusion.

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