Rick Santorum Criticizes Obama For Malia's Mexico Vacation

Says the President should "set an example" and not send family members to vacation in a country where the State Department has issued a travel warning.

Rick Santorum weighed in on Malia Obama's spring break trip to Mexico on Glenn Beck's radio show today, criticizing the First Family for sending Malia to a country the government has warned U.S. citizens not to go to.

Via The Blaze, Santorum told Beck:

“What I would say is that the president’s actions should reflect what his administration is saying. If the administration is saying that it’s not safe to have people down there, then just because you can send 25 Secret Service agents doesn’t mean you should do it. You should set an example. I think that‘s what president’s do. They set an example. And when the government is saying this is not safe, then you don’t set the example by sending your kids down there.”

The area where Malia and her friends are vacationing in Oaxaca is actually not under a travel warning, according to the State Department's website.

Santorum's willingness to cross lines of protocol in criticizing the White House — presidential families are traditionally off limits and Romney has not weighed in on the issue — is part of what endears him to the intensely anti-Obama Republican base.

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