Reporters Read Quotes From Their Most Horrible Internet Commenters

The Indy Star made this video for their #ShareTheLove project.

This week the Indy Star began a campaign called Share The Love to combat internet vitriol. As part of the project, they had reporters read some of the meanest comments they've received on their stories.

The women got the worst comments of the group: "Saran wrap your fat @ss."

"The author is just jealous because no matter what she did, she'd never look sexy."

"This is the biggest load of horseshit I’ve ever read in my life."

"Erika is a racist, and I canceled my subscription over her column today."

"I know a really good stylist and photographer if you’re interested in upgrading your professional image."

But men weren't safe from trolls either: "You're an idiot," read political columnist Matthew Tully.

"It’s easy to share hate on the internet," the Indy Star wrote. "What would it be like if the internet were a nicer place?"

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