11 GIFs That Will Make You Smarter

Nobody remembers chemistry class, but you will remember this.

1. This is what uranium looks like when it's emitting radiation inside a cloud chamber.

2. This is what it looks like when you pour chocolate syrup on superhydrophobic shoes.

3. This is what liquid nitrogen looks like when it's turned into a solid in an extreme vacuum.

4. This is what it looks like when endangered baby frogs hatch INSIDE BAMBOO.

5. This is what it looks like when sound waves are used to levitate liquid droplets.

6. This is what a nuclear reactor looks like when it's emitting Cherenkov radiation.

7. This is what a rare total cloud inversion looks like at the Grand Canyon.

8. This is what it looks like when a seed pod explodes.

9. This is what happens when you drop a hot ball of nickel onto ice.

10. This is what happens when you mix blood with hydrogen peroxide.

11. This is what a nuclear explosion looks like.

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