22 Reasons Pomegranates Are The World's Most Wonderful Fruit

It's hard to be loved by so many.

1. It's a truth universally acknowledged — that pomegranates are the world's most wonderful fruit.

2. People all over the world have loved this deliciously red and round beauty for ages.

3. The sweet and tangy fruit is also high in anti-oxidants and jam packed with 50% of the recommended daily dose of Vitamin C.

4. Yes, pomegranates can be a bit strenuous to open and quick to stain anything they touch.

5. (Even Martha couldn't help but make a mess.)

6. But ultimately their allure is just too hard to resist.

7. Pomegranates are a great conversation starter. There are endless theories about the best way to de-seed it.

8. Some say you should slice the fruit in half, give the sides a little massage —

— and then whack it with all the love you've got.

9. Others swear by the style of slicing off the end —

— gently slicing the sides —

— and then submerging what's left in water to set the seeds free.

10. No matter your de-seeding style, the end result is the same: You get to bask in the fruit's mouth-watering glory.

11. Pomegranates were born to make the world better — so add the seeds to just about any dish.

12. Like hummus on toast.

13. And homemade yogurt parfait.

14. Don't forget drinks, of any persuasion.

15. Pomegranates also pair well with salad greens.

16. And can top off any dessert.

17. Really, they taste great with just about anything, from chicken to rice to beans.

18. Because what makes pomegranates so wonderful is that everyone loves them.

19. Sure, pomegranates have become a bit fetishized these days, with everything from juice to jelly beans on display.

20. But on the plus side, there are now many more ways to get your pomegranate fix.

21. And there's nothing more wonderful (and good for you) in life than a freshly-squeezed cup of ripe pomegranate juice.

22. So embrace your love for the world's most wonderful fruit.

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