16 Birds You Won't Believe Actually Exist

R u ok birds.

1. This bird that wants you to think it's a cartoon character.

2. This taxidermy project gone wrong.

3. This bird who is definitely not a puppet.

4. This bird who doesn't know why you keep laughing at his face.

5. This extremely ~fancy~ bird of paradise.

6. And this one.

7. This bird that got into a fight with some stage make-up and lost.

The king vulture can have a wingspan of nearly 6 feet and feeds on carrion.

8. This bird... sorry I mean butterfly. Totally a butterfly.

9. This master of darkness.

The Victoria's riflebird's party trick is to shape shift by spreading its wings out like this.

10. This bird with the best damn eyebrow you will ever see.

11. And this bird who is totally jealous.

12. This bird who just can't control his feet.

13. This bird you absolutely do not want to cross.

14. This bird that looks like it might topple over at any moment.

15. This psychedelic seagull.

16. This bird who is definitely not on drugs.

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