16 Inspiring Thank-You Notes For Ebola Fighters

Here's a sneak peek at a bundle of thanks, from 107 countries, heading to West Africa in time for the holidays. There's still time to add your own.

Even before TIME magazine named Ebola fighters as their Person of the Year, there was love pouring into London for local & international volunteers risking their lives to fight the virus.

The International Medical Corps, a British organization that runs treatment centers and other support in West Africa, is leading a #globalthankyou campaign to collect messages to deliver to local and foreign health workers fighting Ebola.

There was a lot of compassion in the messages. Some were addressed to a Liberian nurse named Comfort, whom IMC put on one postcard that helped drive the campaign.

Comfort is a Liberian nurse who had already seen six colleagues die by the time she came down with Ebola. She was one of the first patients in IMC's Ebola treatment center, which opened in rural Bong County in September, and she survived.

As an Ebola survivor, Comfort can help in ways others can't. These days, she often bathes and hugs kids whose parents are sick with Ebola, so they don't lose human contact.

"Dear Comfort,

What an amazing lady you are! Congratulations on beating Ebola and coming back to the IMC treatment centre to help the hard-working nurses and doctors by looking after the children of Ebola patients. These children are as much victims of Ebola as their parents. The care you are giving them at this time is invaluable - thank you for everything you are doing!"

"Un million de Gracias. A million thanks. Merci beacoup. For doing such great job, for risking your lives for the rest of us. God bless you all."

There was a lot of creativity in the messages, too.

(Just in case you didn't totally follow that laser, here's what it's doing.)

There were even edible thanks.

Twitter, of course, got in on the action.

Today we're pleased to join in the #GlobalThankYou and shout out all of the first responders bravely working all around the world!

@IMC_UK good work. Please accept my heartfelt #GlobalThankYou. Definitely an Icon to look up to.

@IMC_UK Thank you Comfort! #GlobalThankYou

#GlobalThankYou @KeiKamara and footballers to #Ebola health workers "U R the REAL HEROES" #WeAreAfricaUnited http://t.co/OCub33I8AG @IMC_UK

And there was also old-fashioned, pen-on-paper gratitude.

If you want to join #globalthankyou and send a message of thanks to Ebola fighters, there's still time.

IMC is still collecting messages to send to Ebola fighters. And there's lots more photos of global thanks on that page, too.

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