Thousands Of Fast Food Employees Go On Strike

Employees say they want wages raised to $15 an hour and the right to form unions without retaliation.

Thousands of fast food employees went on strike for higher wages Monday.

The protests, organized by the group Fast Food Forward, occurred in New York City, Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Mo., and Flint, Mich.

According to Fast Food Forward, fast food employees living on minimum wage in New York City, for example, make a quarter of the money he or she needs to survive.

The average fast food employee makes $11,000 a year and the average fast food CEO makes $25,000 a day, according to the group.

McDonald's recently came under fire for publishing a sample budget for employees for how to make it on their wages. The budget suggested taking a second job and going without heat.

The protestors also say they want to be able to form unions without retaliation.
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