Anti-NSA Protesters Rally On "1984 Day"

Protesters hoped to send a message to Congress to end the NSA's mass surveillance programs.

Activists in 20 cities protested Sunday against the National Security Administration's surveillance programs that track Americans' phone and email records.

Some of the protesters showed their support for Edward Snowden, who brought the NSA's programs to light through stories published in The Guardian and The Washington Post.



Thank you Edward Snowden. #1984day

In Los Angeles, you could even buy Edward Snowden shirts.

Snowden tees at today's #1984Day protest! #Restorethe4th



Snowden tees at today's #1984Day protest! #Restorethe4th

Protest organizers said they hoped the demonstrations would send a message to leaders in Congress "that to earn our trust they must restore the Fourth Amendment" and pass legislation ending the NSA's surveillance programs.

Sign held up in SF while a speaker reads the 4th Amendment text. #Restorethe4th

Carrie M


Sign held up in SF while a speaker reads the 4th Amendment text. #Restorethe4th

The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from unreasonable search and seizure.

Restore the 4th amendment! #1984day #NYC



Restore the 4th amendment! #1984day #NYC

Amazing signs present for today's #1984Day rally! #Restorethe4th

Kelly Byke


Amazing signs present for today's #1984Day rally! #Restorethe4th

"What do we want?- privacy! When do we want it?- none of your fucking business!" #1984day #restorethe4th #NYC

Occupy LI Storefront


"What do we want?- privacy! When do we want it?- none of your fucking business!" #1984day #restorethe4th #NYC

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