The White House Just Completely Ruined The "Straight Outta Compton" Meme

It's over. It is dead. And Obama killed it.

By now, you have to have seen — probably on some popular internet website — the proliferation of memes being made based on the N.W.A. film Straight Outta Compton.

Most of them were pretty funny! Because who doesn't love a good meme.

But then the White House had to come along and ruin everything, tweeting this from the Twitter account meant to shore up support for a deal made on Iran's nuclear program.

.@BuzzFeed And thanks to the #IranDeal, Iran will be ...

~*record screech noise*~

It...did not go over well.

.@TheIranDeal Try sending this one to Schumer, see if it helps.

omfg leave the memes to the experts but not the nuclear experts i am begging you

Among the more troubling parts of the tweet, aside from the general terribleness of political accounts, is that the deal doesn't actually get rid of all of Iran's uranium.

The deal as announced and pored over places limits on Iran's nuclear program, but still lets them enrich to a certain (not usable in a weapon) point.

We have been clear that we would be employing creative strategies, including digital outreach, to draw attention from as broad an audience as possible (particularly a younger audience) to the Iran deal. To the extent this Tweet reaches audiences that our more traditional Tweets have not, it will have accomplished the intended objective, especially if it spurs them to learn more about the deal.

BuzzFeed News is still awaiting a response from Ice Cube as to whether he supports the Iran Deal and/or the White House's meme usage.

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