The Staggering Demographic Changes In Congress Over 50 Years

What a difference 50 years makes. Yesterday marked the first day of the historic 113th congress of the United states of America. Why is it historic you might ask?

The US Congress was a different place 50 years ago

Democrats had Super Majorities in both Houses

And this family controlled the Executive Branch

This gentleman was Speaker of the House

Mr. Speaker!

House Leadership looked like this

And a Presidential address looked like this

This gent was gearing up for his first congressional run

and this scout was meeting his future office

But the difference in the demographic make-up of Congress over the last 50 years is what truly astounds

In 1963 less than 6% of Congress held minority status

Today, minorities make up almost 30% of congress

So here's to the future!

Oh, and meet freshman Congressman Joseph P. Kennedy III

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