Obama Is Becoming Obsessed With Football References


The president, just today, has used seven football references in public speeches.

1. "You know what? We fumbled the ball in terms of the rollout."

2. "I mean, we fumbled the rollout on this health care law."

3. "I am very frustrated, but I’m also somebody who, if I fumble the ball, you know, I’m going to wait until I get the next play, and then I’m going to try to run as hard as I can and do right by the team."

4. "I’m the head of this team. We did fumble the ball on it."

5. "So again, you know, these are two fumbles on something that — on a big game which — but the game’s not over."

6. "You know, when I do some Monday morning quarterbacking on myself..."

"...one of the things that I do recognize is since I know that the federal government has not been good at this stuff in the past, two years ago as we were thinking about this, you know, we might have done more to make sure that we were breaking the mold on how we were going to be setting this up."

7. "It is nice to be here when the only real battle for Ohio is the Browns-Bengals game this Sunday."

"We've got a Browns shirt right here, Browns cap."

And Obama screams at his staff:

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