Hooray For Washington DC!

After six years of deadlock, the White House and Congressional leaders look like they may be able to compromise on something. Acting like grownups, getting things done — as long as you're down with legalizing undocumented immigrants.

Editor's note

This post has been corrected to remove phrasing that was copied from the Associated Press.

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We can get along!

Immigration reform.

The President agrees.

And New York says:

And Bel Air says:

And mountain men say:

And Idaho says:

And University says:

And the Mid-West says:

And the swamp says:

And evil villains say:

And southern sororities say:

And the Pirates say:

And Scranton says:

And the Dagobah System says:

Pride Rock says:

And the future says:

And America says:

Keep it up DC-- We're rooting for you!

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