19 Fictional Companies You Wish Were Real

Seriously, why do these businesses not exist?

1. Weasley's Wizard Wheezes - Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

2. Prestige Worldwide - Step Brothers

3. The Max restaurant chain - Saved by the Bell

4. Wayne Enterprises - The Dark Knight

5. Wonka Industries - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

6. Frosty Palace - Grease

7. Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce - Mad Men

8. Stark Industries - Iron Man

9. Bluth's Banana Stand store chain - Arrested Development

10. Peach Pit - Beverly Hills, 90210

11. Bass Industries - Gossip Girl

12. Pizza Planet restaurant chain - Toy Story

13. Ghostbusters - Ghostbusters

14. Macmillan Toys, Big

15. M.I.B. - Men in Black

16. Satriale's Pork Store - The Sopranos

17. Walley World - National Lampoon's Vacation

18. Dunder Mifflin - The Office

19. Big Kahuna Burger restaurant chain - Pulp Fiction

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