Trump Book Pushed Birther Conspiracy Months After He "Finished" Birtherism

"As for the birth certificate I got him to produce, some people have questioned whether it’s authentic," Trump wrote.

Donald Trump's campaign is still falsely claiming he "finished" the birther movement — a movement he promoted publicly for five years — by getting President Obama to release his long form birth certificate in 2011.

But months after Trump "finished" birtherism, he again questioned the president's birthplace at length in his 2011 book, Time To Get Tough.

"I never understood why Obama would allow the question to hang around. Why not just produce the birth certificate and be done with it?," Trump writes in the final chapter of his December 2011 book, titled "The Press and The Presidency."

"Get it out there and move on," continues Trump. "So I was very proud that I was able to finally get him to do something that no one else had been able to do. For the record, I’m not saying Obama wasn’t born in the United States. However, multiple questions still surround the hospital records, his grandmother’s statement that he was born out of the country, and his family members’ statements that they weren’t sure which hospital he was born in."

Trump said the president's birth certificate could be fake.

"As for the birth certificate I got him to produce, some people have questioned whether it’s authentic," continues Trump. "Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t. That’s for experts to determine. But if Obama’s liberal media pals don’t like my answer, stop asking the question."

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