Limbaugh Says "Big Democrat" Donald Sterling Only In Trouble Because He Didn't Donate Enough To Obama

Sterling is a registered Republican.

"This guy is a big Democrat. The only reason he is in trouble is because he didn't give enough money to Obama," Limbaugh said on his radio program Monday. "This guy is a typical Hollywood Democrat."

"The guy gave money to Gray Davis. The guy gave money to Bill Bradley," Limbaugh added.

Limbaugh's not the first to link Sterling to Democrats, the idea of Sterling as a Democrat gained hold in conservative media over the weekend.

Several conservative websites ran stories over the weekend describing Sterling as a Democrat based on $6,000 in donations he made in the late 1980s and early 1990s to politicians such as Davis, the former governor of California, and former Sen. Bill Bradley.

The conservative site Hot Air wrote Sterling was "a significant Democrat donor. One has to wonder how much that will tamp down the media coverage of this story."

Almost 6,000 tweets were sent over the weekend containing "Sterling" and "Democrat."

"Race Hate Spewing Clippers Owner Is Democratic Donor," wrote the Daily Caller.

"Media Ignoring Dem Donations of LA Clippers' Owner, Allegedly Caught on Tape in Race-Based Rant," said the conservative media watchdog NewsBusters.

None of the sites pulled Sterling's voter registration, which shows he has been a registered Republican since 1998. He has not made any disclosed federal campaign donations to campaigns or committees since the early 1990s.

National Review wrote the article "Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Is a Democrat," before changing their headline to "Racist Clippers Owner Donald Sterling Has Only Contributed to Democrats." NRO updated their post to first note his party affiliation was unknown and then update it to note he was a registered Republican.

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