15 Scientific Facts That Will Warm Your Cold, Dead, Heart

The world’s pretty alright sometimes.

1. Chimps will lend a helping hand to humans even if they get no reward for doing so.

2. Calming music makes people more generous toward each other.

3. Doing unselfish deeds activates the same primal regions of the brain that make it so fun to have sex and eat food.

4. NASA has developed a "robonaut" to help astronauts on the International Space Station.

5. Scientists once created special cat music to show that cats actually enjoy getting their groove on.

6. Escaped pet birds that mimic human noises and words often teach these sounds to other wild birds.

7. Music can help severely brain-damaged patients recall lost personal memories.

8. Walruses and seals often raise orphan pups that are not their own.

9. The awe felt by people touched by the beauty of nature, art, and spirituality has a direct and positive effect on the immune system.

10. Dogs and humans have been pals for more than 27,000 years.

11. Rats will free their friends from cages in a laboratory setting without any reward or personal benefit.

12. They will also try to save their fellow rats from drowning.

13. Infants are more likely to create memories when they interact with a happy-sounding or -looking person.

14. Dogs can totally tell the difference between a happy human face and a sad human face.

15. And, of course, happiness really might be contagious.

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