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BuzzFeed の海外記事を英語のままお届け!アメリカ中西部で、歴史的にも大規模な洪水が発生。愕然とする、被害の大きさを写真で伝えます。(英文記事、日本語要約付き)


Melting snow and torrential rainfall have caused flooding along rivers in the Midwest, leaving three dead and forcing the evacuation of hundreds more. Floodwaters have surpassed historic levels in at least 17 locations across the region.

On Thursday, a 50-year-old Nebraska man was swept away by flood waters as he attempted to rescue a person trapped in their car, according to state emergency management officials. In Iowa, a 55-year-old man drowned after being overcome by the rising waters in Riverton, according to the Fremont County Sheriff's Office. At the Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, the rising Missouri River has forced the evacuation of all nonessential personnel and their families.

These pictures show the communities left devastated by these historic floods.