14 Great Poems To Read On Inauguration Day

There's no official inaugural poem this year, so here are 14 that describe America as it is and as it could be.

"A New National Anthem" by Ada Limón

"I, Too" by Langston Hughes

"An American Poem" by Eileen Myles

"America" by Walt Whitman

“Centre of equal daughters, equal sons, / All, all alike endear’d, grown, ungrown, young or old,”

"Still I Rise" by Maya Angelou

"You’re Dead, America" by Danez Smith

"America" by Claude McKay

"I will confess / I love this cultured hell that tests my youth."

"Ghazal For Becoming Your Own Country" by Angel Nafis

"The Beautifully Worthless" by Ali Liebegott

“A thousand ways to be lost in this country -- / good lost, bad lost -- people pushed by broom edges, /flicked by bristle tips into corners....”

"Skinhead" by Patricia Smith

"Ghazal: America The Beautiful" by Alicia Ostriker

"I said One Nation Invisible until corrected / maybe I was right about America."

"Unpeopled Eden" by Rigoberto Gonzalez

"Rows of ghosts come forth to sing."

"America" by Allen Ginsberg

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