How Two Marriage Equality Heroes Became Like Family To Each Other

Edie Windsor and her lawyer, Roberta Kaplan, tell the story of the first time their paths crossed.

This week on The Tell Show podcast...

Edie Windsor and her lawyer, Roberta Kaplan tell the story of the first time they crossed paths, over 20 years before the United States v. Windsor ruling that paved the way for national marriage equality.

Edie Windsor and Roberta Kaplan were the plaintiff-attorney pair in the Supreme Court case that struck down the federal ban on same-sex couple's marriages.

In 1991, Kaplan was referred to a therapist who dealt with "gay issues," Thea Spyer.

During their sessions, Thea Spyer offered Kaplan an example of the kind of fulfilling, loving same-sex relationship she was looking for: Spyer's own decades long partnership with a brilliant mathematician named Edie Windsor.

But Windsor and Kaplan didn't meet until 2009, when Kaplan took on the lawsuit over the estate tax Windsor owed after Spyer's death—the legal battle over the Defense of Marriage Act.

In this episode, Edie Windsor's love for Thea Spyer will make your heart feel like this...

And you'll hear about the time she tried to ride the custom-painted motorcycle she bought for Spyer...

You'll learn that Kaplan has taken up fly fishing...

And you'll hear Windsor and Kaplan talk about becoming part of each others' families since the United States v. Windsor ruling.

To hear the full interview, subscribe to The Tell Show on iTunes or listen here.

Roberta Kaplan's book about the case, Then Comes Marriage, is out now.

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