Do You Punctuate Your Texts?

Are periods an extinct species in the casual culture of SMS?

When it comes to texting, we all contend with an incredibly wide range of writing styles on a daily basis. From the heavy-on-the-emoji communicators…

The notorious one-word (or worse, ONE LETTER) responders…

To, conversely, the essayists...

To the acronym enthusiasts…

Basically, there’s a style for every individual, but we still abide by a very general set of ~text etiquette~ standards.

And one subset of this constantly evolving etiquette is punctuation, specifically periods. And I'm not just talking about these ones:

Most people use a custom combination of standard punctuation and whatever Internet slang they fancy. Others don’t use periods at all.

I always use conventional punctuation in texts, and it wasn't until my friend told me how weird it was that I even thought twice about it. Check out our exchange:

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