People Can't Believe The Madness Happening At The Republican Convention

It's only day one.

The Republican National Convention got off to a lively start Monday when some of the delegates started shouting for a roll call vote on nomination rules.

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The effort, which eventually failed, was a last-ditch effort by mostly anti–Donald Trump delegates to voice their displeasure of the presumptive nominee.

#NeverTrump delegates cause chaos at the #RNCinCLE

Some of the other protesting delegates, like former Virginia attorney general Ken Cuccinelli, said they were not anti-Trump, but felt ignored by the Republican National Committee.

Things got heated AF.

Ken Cuccinelli just threw his credentials down on the convention floor!

There was shouting...

Competing chants on #RNC floor. "Roll call vote" vs "USA"

And walk-outs.

Colorado and Iowa delegates have walked off the floor #RNCinCLE

Even the gavel couldn't take the chaos.


People loved the drama.

Wife and I already eating popcorn while watching train wreck that is #RNCinCLE #RNC

And couldn't believe the craziness.

"The official GIF of #RNCinCLE."

Lots of popcorn was being eaten.

As well as lots of preparing for the drama to come.

I'll be taking advantage of the #RNCinCLE recess to get ready for the rest of this clown show...

Other people wondered how RNC Chairman Reince Priebus felt about the whole thing.

Live look-in at @reince as he watched the debacle that is #RNCinCLE

Or, of course, Hillary Clinton.

As delegates revolt at #RNCinCLE, I picture @HillaryClinton sitting in an office somewhere like

What will happen next?

If you're just showing up to catch the #RNCinCLE right now...

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