The Best Signs At NYC's Abortion Rights Rally

“If I wanted politics in me, I’d fuck a senator.”

On a gray Saturday in New York City, thousands turned out to show their support for abortion rights, part of mass national protests after a draft opinion was leaked regarding conservative justices' intentions to roll back Roe v. Wade.

More than 10,000 people, according to organizers' estimates, marched from Brooklyn to Manhattan's City Hall. Mothers brought their daughters, friends took Instagram photos of each other, and many showed their support by bringing signs featuring personal stories, frustrations, and memes.

Here are some of the best ones that BuzzFeed News saw this weekend:

Sign reading "I'm with them!"
Sign reading "Keep our rights out ya mouth"
Sign reading "Public cervix announcement: FUCK YOU"
Sign reading "Uteruses before duderuses"
Signs reading "Keep your laws off my body" and "'No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body' — Margaret Sanger"
Sign reading "My body my choice"
"Want to stop abortions? Regulate where all wanted pregnancies begin:" with sign pointing to a penis, and "If you really cared about saving lives you'd be banning these [guns] circa 1994–2004, not reinstating these [hangers] circa 1903–1973"
Signs reading "Think outside my box" and "Vasectomies prevent abortions"
Sign reading "This land is my land" with a pair of green underwear hanging below it
Signs reading, "Not every ejaculation needs a last name" and "Are women people? A nation investigates"
Signs reading "If I wanted politics in me, I'd fuck a senator" and "Abortion isn't fugly, you are"

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