This Airline Had The Best Response To A Guy Complaining That His Flight Attendant Wasn't Hot Enough

"Prejudice doesn't fly, we leave it on the ground."

A Facebook user commented on the Argentina Airlines Facebook page: "What gets my attention is the low quality of flight attendants that the company has. Before they were tall, nice," he wrote. "Now they only take short fat girls."

Muy buena la respuesta del CM de @Aerolineas_AR a este comentario

Argentina Airlines' Facebook page then actually responded, writing that "prejudice doesn't fly, we leave it on the ground."

They went even further though, listing the only requirements they have for their flight attendants:

- Older than 18

- Height: For women, between 5'4" and 5'7" -For men, between 5'7" and 6'1"

- Argentine citizen

- High school graduate

- TCP license

- Command of English

- Know how to swim

Argentine social media users have been celebrating the epic comeback on Facebook and Twitter.

Actuar rápidamente+ser polite+no permitir el racismo= Epic win! Buena accion de Aerolineas Argentinas!

"Act quickly+be polite+don't allow racism= Epic win! Good action from Aerolineas Argentinas!"

Facebook: Aerolíneas Argentinas respondió a un usuario discriminador: La contundente respuesta de respuesta de...

"Facebook: Aerolíneas Argentinas replied to a racist user: The convincing reply..."

"Los prejuicios no salen a volar y los dejamos en tierra" Por #AerolineasArgentinas @Aerolineas_AR

"'Prejudice doesn't fly, we leave it on the ground' by #AerolineasArgentinas @Aerolineas_AR"

"Los prejuicios no salen a volar, los dejamos en tierra" genial respuesta de @Aerolineas_AR ante una "queja" por el físico de sus azafatas.

"'Prejudice doesn't fly, we leave it on the ground' great response from @Aerolineas_AR to a 'complaint' about physical appearance from their flight attendants."

@Aerolineas_AR Aplausos de pie para su CM.

"@Aerolineas_AR Standing ovation for their CM."

A flight attendant for the airline even tweeted a selfie with the hashtag #prejuiciosnovuelan or #PrejudiceDoesntFly.

Feliz de ser la TCP que soy! #prejuiciosnovuelan @Aerolineas_AR @Floxie10 @EAeronavegantes

"Happy to be the TCP I am! #prejuiciosnovuelan @Aerolineas_AR @Floxie10 @EAeronavegantes."

The now-viral exchange has been deleted, but Argentina Airlines told BuzzFeed News that the response was real and it's taken the appropriate measures.

Finally an airline social media story with a happy ending!

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