There Are Three Giant Penises In Front Of The Olympics Media Village And It's Become A Huge Meme

Warning: This post contains a lot of pictures of, like, giant metal dicks, basically.

Right, OK, so, in front of the Olympic media center and the Alpensia Ski Jumping Center in Pyeongchang, South Korea, there are three very unusual statues.

They're called "Bullet Man" and they were installed in Pyeongchang in 2009. According to local media, they're meant to symbolize "the human desire for a cool body, wealth, honor with a concrete image."



Well, last week, their unique look caught the attention of Tokyo Sports, which posted a picture of them when the Olympics started.

Japanese Twitter has nicknamed the statues "モルゲッソヨ," a Japanese spelling of the Korean phrase for "I don't know."

あ! やせいの モルゲッソヨが とびだしてきた! ▼

Which according to Japanese media is what all the Olympic staff said when they were asked about the statutes.


And let's just say they've really captured the Japanese imagination.


Bullet Man has been turned into latte art.


He's been crocheted.

モルゲッソヨ を(゚∀゚)アンダー

Made with Legos.

_人人人人人人人人_ > レゴゲッソヨ <  ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄  #モルゲッソヨ

And basically become the only thing people in Japan are talking about right now.

公式が手を出す前に。 #モルゲッソヨ #ポプテピピック


韓国での愛称。 「儒教ドラゴン&モルゲッソヨ」 (*´∀`)

Japan's national broadcaster, the NHK, has even tweeted about them.


“Oh, it does look like a… There’s a weird object that’s placed in front of the media press center. It’s already become a hot topic in Japan, but we went to see it anyways. It doesn’t make any sense, and it’s weird. And it’s got nothing to do with the Olympics, probably.”

So, with all the hullabaloo about the statues, BuzzFeed News decided to check out the Bullet Men and see if...

...No, yeah, OK. They look like giant dicks and also all have dicks themselves.

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