This Woman Believes Instagram Deleted Her Account Because She Was Too Fat To Post A Selfie In Her Bra

Instagram has since reinstated her account and apologized.

Samm Newman is a 19-year-old college student from Ohio and her Instagram was recently deleted.

She posted this selfie to Instagram. After posting the picture her account, which had 500 followers at the time, was deleted.

Newman was upset about it because she felt like Instagram was a safe place where she could feel comfortable with her body.

She told local reporters that there was a double standard on Instagram. She didn't understand why her underwear selfie was deleted when thinner girls could post even racier photos.

After Newman's story started making the rounds, Instagram issued a statement about the whole incident, explaining that it was actually a mistake.

"When our team processes reports from other members of the Instagram community, we occasionally make a mistake. In this case, we wrongly removed content and worked to rectify the error as soon as we were notified. We apologize for any inconvenience."

Newman's account is back, even though she hasn't posted any photos just yet.

On her Twitter, she's been dealing with some of the fallout from her fight against Instagram. Mostly, she's been excited that people are talking about body positivity.

All of these kids from my school Tweeting about me. Keep on keepin' on, babes! But take a look at where you are and then at where I am!

While also reminding some of the trolls that her weight and her body are no one else's business.

Pretty sure my health is between me and my doctor. SWERVE DR. GOOGLE

"I’m going to make a difference in the world, regardless of whether Instagram cooperates or not," she told reporters. "Fat is not a bad word."

And then, she KEPT loving her body & pushing forward while they sat on Twitter proving what kind of people they are.. Happily ever after!

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