Photos Of The Destructive Aftermath Of The Russian Meteor

The 10-ton meteor that struck the Russian city of Chelyabinsk Friday set off a shockwave that caused untold damage to the area and injured nearly 1,000 people.

The meteorite's contrail seen over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk.

A photo of the same contrail, taken 50 KM away from Chelyabinsk in the village of Sidelnikvo.

A frame taken from a dashboard camera of a car on a highway outside of Chelyabinsk shows the meteor closer to Earth before impact.

Russian municipal workers repair damaged power circuits outside of a factory. Most of the factory's roof has collapsed.

Another shot of the same factory, which is about 930 miles east of Moscow. It's unclear whether or not the collapse is from the meteor's shockwave or a subsequent explosion.

Russian scientists are estimating that the meteoroid weighed about 10 tons. When it struck the Earth, it set off explosions that injured nearly 1,000 people.

More damage from the city of Chelyabinsk.

A man named Viktor receiving treatment for injuries received from the shockwave.

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