Kenneth Cole Decided To Tweet Something Completely Stupid About Syria

Good brand strategy, Kenneth Cole.

Kenneth Cole tweeted this on Thursday.

"Boots on the ground" or not, let's not forget about sandals, pumps and loafers. #Footwear

Kenneth Cole


"Boots on the ground" or not, let's not forget about sandals, pumps and loafers. #Footwear

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Needless to say, people aren't super pleased about it.

@KennethCole Not cool OR socially responsible.

Pauline Collins


@KennethCole Not cool OR socially responsible.

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James Topham


@ddale8 What is wrong with PR people?

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Stephen Miller


@hgil #facepalm

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This is, uh, not the first time Kenneth Cole's Twitter account has decided to jump on a popular news event...

It's not the second time they've done this either...

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