Heritage Foundation Recruiting Via Email For Potential Trump Administration

The conservative think tank has taken a cold-call approach.

The Heritage Foundation is cold-emailing potential candidates to serve in a potential Donald Trump administration, according to a copy of one of the emails obtained by BuzzFeed News.

The influential conservative think tank sent out a questionnaire to potential candidates without specifically mentioning Trump but instead referring to the “next presidential administration.” The email says candidates are being recruited as part of Heritage's "Restore America Project."

The email links to a Google Forms questionnaire that asks candidates about their job experience and which parts of the federal government they would like to serve in.

Several people with ties to Heritage are working on Trump's transition team, including former Reagan attorney general Ed Meese, a fellow at Heritage, as well as Ed Feulner, Heritage's former president. Their presence and that of other traditional conservative interests within the Trump transition team, Politico recently reported, has created tension with operatives aligned with Gov. Chris Christie, who is also involved in the transition.

Heritage Foundation president Jim DeMint has been largely silent this election, as noted in a recent Washingtonian story, but the organization at large has been influential and controversial within the conservative movement and Republican Party. Spurred on by the nonprofit’s political arm, Heritage became more outwardly political — and often adversarial to Republican leadership — in recent years.

A Heritage spokesman declined to comment.

The body of the email obtained by BuzzFeed News:

The Heritage Foundation’s Restore America Project (RAP) has built an impressive roster of conservatives for potential service in the next presidential administration – receiving recommendations from right-minded Americans from across the country.

You have been recommended. Now, I need to assess your interest in serving as a presidential appointee in an administration that will promote conservative principles.

Please submit your information by completing the RAP Candidate Form linked here: Restore America Candidate Form.

Once you’ve completed the form and click “SUBMIT” your information will automatically download into our system confirming your interest.

Additionally, send your current resume, bio or CV to me at RestoreAmerica@Heritage.org by COB Wednesday, October 26th. Your timely response is appreciated.

I stand ready to address your questions via email at [redacted]@Heritage.org.




P.S. Here is a link to the famed “Plum Book” – http://www.fdsys.gov. It’s a bit overwhelming, but a good resource to identify specific appointments. Type “Plum Book” into the search engine once you’re in the site.

Parts of the questionnaire are included below:

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