Russians Are Leaving Flowers At The Dutch Embassy In Moscow And Begging "Forgive Us"

"Not all Russians are murderers and terrorists."

All day Friday, Russians visited the Dutch embassy in Moscow to pay their condolences for the downing of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 over Ukraine as it was flying from Holland to Malaysia. Many left flowers.

Цветов у голландского посольства в Москве не очень много

And some left notes. This one says, simply, "Forgive us"

У посольства Голландии в Москве

This handwritten sign says: "Forgive us if you can"

Простите нас, если сможете. У посольства Голландии в Москве.

The typed note here says, in Dutch: "Not all Russians are murderers and terrorists."

У посольства Нидерландов в Москве сейчас. Надпись на нидерландском: "Не все россияне поддерживают терроризм".

Here's a close-up. In the back, a sign in English says "Please Forgive"

У посольства Нидерландов.

This note reads: "In our country there are a lot of good people who love other people. Forgive us for all the rest."

Записка у посольства Голландии в Москве

Some left notes in English: "We are very very very very sorry! What a terrible shame!"

У посольства Голландии в Москве

This painting along the wall of the Dutch embassy begins: "Forgive us."

У посольства Нидерландов очень-очень много цветов

President Barack Obama on Friday called on Russia to do more to end the conflict in east Ukraine.

It is increasingly believed that the airliner was downed by a missile launched from separatist-held territory in east Ukraine. "It is not possible for these separatists to function…without sophisticated equipment, sophisticated training. And that is coming from Russia," Obama said. Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, has put the blame on Ukraine: "Without question, the state over whose territory this took place, bears responsibility for this awful tragedy," he said.

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