This New Meme Of France's Far Right Leader French Kissing Cannot Be Unseen

Vive la France?

Marine Le Pen — infamous leader of Frances far-right National Front Party — took a break Friday from celebrating her party's gains in European Union elections to share this selfie of her snogging her boyfriend, fellow conservative politician, Louis Aliot.

En direct de Perpignan, dຝicace à closer !!!

Then the internet had fun. "I can't believe it!"

Miley, of course, showed up to join in on the far-right fun.

So did everyone's favorite Canadian (who knew?) Ryan Gosling.

Le Pen's party supports strict immigration restrictions. But maybe she'd let Spider Man immigrate to France for just one kiss?

Here's an unlikely duo: The National Front leader French-kissing her rival, President Francois Hollande.

And here's Le Pen with her father — National Front's founder — Jean-Marie Le Pen. They seem to speak as one.

Le Pen doesn't support same sex marriage. But apparently she can't resist herself.


Can't wait!

"The peoplization of political life drives me crazy." Hmm.

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