People Skewered The RNC Chairman For This Typo After Trump Won


On Tuesday night, after Donald Trump's victory in Indiana led rival Ted Cruz to drop out of the presidential race, the Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus declared him the "presumtive" party nominee.

After misspelling the word presumptive, Priebus deleted the tweet and followed up with a new version:

.@realDonaldTrump will be presumptive @GOP nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating @HillaryClinton #NeverClinton

While Preibus was calling for unity in the Republican party to defeat Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, some people on social media were more focused on his typo.

One person noted that the spelling error may be connected to education cuts.

"presumtive" No wonder they're always so eager to cut education funding.

Other people pointed out that the spelling problem only demonstrated how much the RNC chair and Trump have in common.

The 'presumtive' GOP nominee just started his speech by saying, "We're going to win bigly." Congrats guys. #EventuallyTrump

People imagined what Priebus was really thinking.

Reince Priebus internal dialogue while writing that tweet saying Trump is the nominee

And what he was probably drinking.

A few people thought the message was a little bit more important than spelling.

Thank god @Reince fixed the "presumtive" spelling error — clearly the most upsetting part of this tweet!

And it had to be said that if you name your child "Reince Priebus," then it's bound to be weird.

Look if you name your child "Reince Priebus" and he ends up as a functionary in an authoritarian regime you only have yourself to blame.

Never forget.

I am old enough to remember when @Reince tweeted presumtive.

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