A Group Of Guys Found A Really Old Pack Of Budweiser At The Bottom Of A River

Cheers, guys.

This is Andy Holst, a 40-year-old sport fisherman in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

He went out for a typical day of fishing along Wolf River near Fremont with his two buddies, Christian and Adam, on Sunday April 24.

The friends were out since the early morning. Around lunchtime, something tugged on Holst's fishing line.

"I thought it was snagged down at the bottom," he said. "It was obviously really heavy to reel it up."

Still not quite sure what caught his line, Holst finally reeled it to the surface. It turns out it was a rusted six pack of beer.

Holst didn't uncover just any old forgotten pack of beer. He reeled in five cans of a six-pack of Budweiser. They had peel off tops, a feature that was introduced in the 1960s.

The cans were empty of beer, but had writing at the bottom noting the "new" peel-off tops.

The group took a couple of photos and posted the pictures to Grim Outdoors, a Facebook group for sport hunters. The group then shared their catch on Anheuser-Busch's Facebook page.

The company quickly commented on the post with an estimation that the cans could be 52 years old.

"I joked with my dad, 'I could've found your beer," said Holst. "He said, 'I wasn't even old enough to drink yet.'"

Holst and the group still have the rusted cans. He hopes to somehow include the cans in a mount if he catches a prized large fish like a Smallmouth Bass.

"I think it's cool that it's kind of a happy story. If it puts a smile on people's faces I think that's great," Holst said.

Anheuser-Busch did not respond to BuzzFeed News' request for comment.

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