Watch A Badass MMA Fighter Immobilize A Guy Trying To Mug Her

Monique Bastos took fighting crime to another level.

This is Monique Bastos — she's 23, a six-time MMA champion, a blue belt in jiujitsu, and lives in Acailandia, a western part of Brazil.

On Tuesday night, Bastos was walking to her jiujitsu class when she became the almost-victim of an attempted mugging.

Naturally the professional fighter reacted by doing what she does best - by putting her opponent in a choke hold.

Speaking to, Bastos said that two men on motorcycles stopped her and asked for a her phone.

When she realized they were not armed, she fought back.

"I’ve been through this a few times before, and it’s the second time I fought back," she said.

"It’s a huge risk, but I did it to defend myself and my friends, so I used what I learned."

The mugger, 18 year-old Wesley de Sousa Araujo, appeared on YouTube show Patrulha Policial On Wednesday. He didn't have much to say about the incident.

You can watch the video of the epic take down below.

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