Once A Year, Iceland's Women Go On Strike To Protest The Gender Pay Gap

The date of the protest marks the point in the year when women on average begin working for free.

On Monday, thousands of women across Iceland left work at 2:38 p.m. in protest against the country's gender pay gap.

Women in Iceland come together to fight for equality, shouting OUT #kvennafrí #womensrights

The annual event, Kvennafrí or "Women's Day Off," has been observed since 1975 to raise awareness of the continuing pay disparity between men and women. The difference is currently 18%, according to Mashable.

Icelandic women have gone on strike today! #kvennafrí #Reykjavík #iceland

For the past six years Iceland has topped the Global Gender Gap Report for its efforts toward achieving pay equality.

For this year's event, women shared photos of themselves gathering and preparing to go on strike, using the hashtags #kvennafrí and #jöfnkjör, which means equal treatment.

Búin að taka 24. október frá. #kvennafrí

Við erum langt komin, en það er þó laaangt í land! #kvennafri

Since its creation over 40 years ago, the day has been supported by women's rights groups across Europe.

Women in Iceland are encouraged to leave their work at 2:38 p.m. on Monday, October 24th: https://t.co/XQMsCTnWn0… https://t.co/51M24U5UOO

Iceland is currently predicted to be the first country to close the gender pay gap. Its government has pledged to achieve pay equality by 2022.

My daughter Margrét (11) marching w all the women of Iceland today,demanding equal pay. They all quit work symbolic… https://t.co/qcB15gt6NZ

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