There Is An Instagram Account That Shows You How To Do Snack Food Inspired Makeup

So delicious.

Tim O is a freelance makeup artist from Lakewood, California. He uses his Instagram account to show off his incredible skills.

For some of his 🔥 photos he's been drawing inspiration from an unusual source — his favorite snack food.

Tim calls them his "Fat Bitch" looks, and has been drawing inspiration from favorites such as Cheetos and Pop Tarts.

Tim O's work is so fabulous he's now being turned into memes.

BuzzFeed News asked Tim O where he gets his inspiration from. "I’m a fat ass and love to eat," he said.

"So one day, I was looking at my hot Cheetos bag and said, 'damn'! These colors would look amazing on my face haha. At first, I was so scared, thinking people weren't gonna get my humor and embrace my fatness but they loved it!"

Tim O says he plans to feature more chip inspired looks, then move onto beer cans, "I love my beer, and the colors on the cans. So I'm gonna continue down this path, hoping to make people laugh and get inspired."


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