A Kid Wrote An Adorable Apology Note To Nintendo After Breaking His 3DS

"I sincerely apologize."

This is Waka. He is 8 years old and lives in Japan. He likes tap dancing and playing on his Nintendo 3DS.

On Sunday, Waka's mother (who wishes to remain anonymous) posted this adorable note her son wrote to Nintendo after breaking his console.

8歳男児の失態。 リュックの中で水筒が倒れ、蓋が開き、3DSを1/4ほど水没させてしまいました。任天堂に自分で問い合わせなさいと申し渡したところ、カスタマーセンターに電話をかけ、修理の手続きを自力でとりました。手紙を同封するそうです

"I am sorry for soaking my 3DS in water. 3DS was always with me—I think I am determined to say goodbye. From now on, I will make sure to tightly close my water bottle. I sincerely apologize."

Twitter users quickly started sending messages of sympathy to the little boy.

@illil_ フォロー外から失礼します。素敵なお子さんですね!ずっとその物でもなんにでもに愛情を注いであげられる人でいて欲しいです。頑張ったね!!報われますように・・・。

"Your son is wonderful! I wish he'll continue to take care of everything with such love. Great job on making the phone call and writing the letter! Hope his effort is rewarded."

@illil_ フォローさんからのリツイートで、お邪魔します。自分も似た経験あります。文字から凄い反省、悲しみが見えます。子供さんへ。きっと直ってくるから、なおってきたら、また存分につかおうね。フォローさせていただきます。

"I've had a similar experience. I can tell his sadness and remorse from his letter. To your son, I'm sure that it'll be fixed. Once it's fixed, make sure to play a lot."

このお子さんに何か大切な事を教えられた気がする。 金を払っているのだから当たり前と考えがちだが、作ってくれた人、提供してくれている人たちに感謝する気持ちを改めて持ちたい。 https://t.co/0WNS3YnBHU

"I think this child has taught me something important. We often take things for granted since we're the ones paying for things. But I would like to once again have gratitude towards people who made and provide things."

Speaking to BuzzFeed News, the mother explained that Waka was incredibly fond of the console, which he received a little over a year ago.

"He's not crying anymore. But seeing him read the playing guide for games, I can tell he's still sad," she said. "My son will be paying for the repair cost. He will have to use his 6-months' worth of his allowance. He still wishes to use the old 3DS instead of getting a new one since he is so attached to it."

However, on Thursday the mother shared images of Waka reunited with his 3DS on Twitter, along with a new note from her son.

若、帰宅! まだソフトのテストはしておりませんが、本体保存のデータは全て無事でしたー!(つд;*) 忘れていたけれど、そういえば本体購入時、妖怪ウォッチ無印DL版をもらったのでした。そのデータも全て生きておりました。

励まして下さった皆様、 本当にありがとうございました。

"My 3DS has come back. The inside was pretty much the same, but the outside was clean and new. However, I am just happy that my 3DS came back to me. Everyone on Choitter [Twitter] , thank you for your support. I will continue to treasure my 3DS."

A happy ending for all.

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