8 Of Your Worst Questions, Answered With Science

We asked for the science questions you didn’t want your name attached to, and now we’re answering them. This time: death, blood, and can you actually die from heartbreak?!

A while ago we asked for your (anonymous) science questions.

Turns out a lot of you want to know about grisly things, like death and bodily fluids and combinations of the two. So here you go. The questions are all pretty much as we received them.

1. "What happens to your blood when you die?"

2. "Can you LITERALLY DIE from heartbreak? I was in science class, and my teacher said something like the heartstrings can rip."

3. "If you were on your period one day, and then you died, would the blood still flow?"

4. "If you sneeze with your eyes open, will they pop out?"

It's extremely unlikely. You shut your eyes when you sneeze as a reflex, not to stop them popping out. "It is certainly possible to keep your eyes open if you try while you are sneezing ... but it requires working against the reflex," Dr Rachel Vreeman told NBC News in 2013.

5. "What would human flesh taste like if we ate it?"

6. "Can someone actually die from getting hiccups?"

7. "What is the average amount of skin cells, by the ratio of dead to alive, on the human body?"

Your skin accounts for roughly 16% of your body weight.

The top layer of skin you can see is called the epidermis, and the dead layer of skin within that is the stratum corneum. When new skin cells push their way up, old ones die and are weathered off the top layer.

You shed the outer layer of your skin once every two to four weeks, equating to between 0.001 and 0.003 ounces (or between 0.03 and 0.09 grams) of skin flakes per hour, according to the American Chemical Society. That's 500 million cells every day. Fun fact: This dead skin is a major constituent of household dust.

Taking the weight of an average American woman at 166 pounds (about 75kg), that gives you almost 27 pounds (12kg) of skin. With an upper limit of 0.07 ounces (2.2g) of dead skins cells shed per day, you have way more alive skin cells than dead ones.

8. "Can a dead body ejaculate?"

Keep an eye out for more answers to your questions in upcoming posts!

And submit more here if you like.

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